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Jazz Musicians Against Cancer



Welcome to the Jazz Musicians Against Cancer (JMAC Fund) campaign.  I established the JMAC fund in November 2016 after being diagnosed with kidney cancer as a means of emotional therapy to deal with the disease while helping others find encouragement and inspiration to live with and beyond cancer.


This page is dedicated to assisting fellow jazz artists living with and surviving cancer and their families through music and art. Our mission is to promote cancer awareness, the importance of screenings and early detection, universal healthcare, and mind and body wellness. Please join us! 


JMAC Foundation would like to thank Brian Kessler,  Andrea Berry, Harry Smallenburg, Tanya Robinson, Pamela Meyers, Elaine Lake, and everyone who has donated to this cause.  To make a donation of support, please click on the GoFundMe link at: Sandra Booker v. Cancer. Thank you!


Updated: 07/12/2023

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